Elders & Cultural Services

Elders Wellness Program

Our new Urban Indigenous Elders program aims to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and healing. The Elders Cultural Coordinator will provide the following services: Elders socials, elders cooking classes, elders appointments, outreach home visits, elders shopping, elders foot and health care needs, elders sewing and craft club, elders will achieve a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, being active, nurturing spirit and social connections.

For more information contact the Elders Cultural Coordinator at elderscoord@kafs.ca.

Funded through BCAAFC.

Cultural Education Coordinator

Our Cultural Education Coordinator provides culturally appropriate services that promote and ensure positive educational experiences for aboriginal students through the Four Directions Storefront School, and School District #73. One of the objectives is to reduce the number of high school drop outs, and to assist Aboriginal students to successfully graduate. The Cultural Education Coordinator will offer support and assistance to Aboriginal Education Support workers and together they are all involved in the planning and organization of cultural events. The Coordinator possesses a a multitude of Indigenous traditional knowledge and teachings.

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